Morning News Alert 3.15.2024

Voters have long known that America has a two-tiered justice system.

Here's one of the most infuriating cases in point. ...

Does America have a two-tiered justice system? 

It's well known that YouTube has a pro-abortion, anti-family bias.

Here's why that's so dangerous for women. ...

Here's why YouTube's pro-abortion bias is so dangerous

A new and very sophisticated survey funded by pro-LGBT advocacy organizations revealed support for same-sex "marriage" is dropping.

The groups funding this poll know who to blame. ...

Support for same-sex 'marriage' dropping? Here's who to blame

Parents and librarians have been at loggerheads for the last few years over various left-wing ideologies, including LGBT and critical-race theory materials.

What is less well known is what librarians are actively HIDING from parents. ...

Here's what librarians are hiding from parents

Reports already have surfaced that Israeli officials believe the Biden administration is interfering in that nation's governance.

Now Chuck Schumer is making a ridiculous demand. ...

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer makes ridiculous demand on Israel